ঘোল খাওয়া: Drink buttermilk ; be swung severely ; be discomfited ; be frustrated ; be involved in great difficulty.
Related Words
ঘটে যাওয়া  ঘষে যাওয়া  ঘা খাওয়া  ঘাস খাওয়া  ঘুষ খাওয়া  ঘুষ দেওয়া  ঘোর কাটা  ঘোল খাওয়া  ঘোল ঢালা  ঘোল মওয়া  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 2.Wikipedia 3.Wiktionary.org
Appropriate Prepositions
Decide upon (সিদ্ধান্ত করা): We have not yet decided whether we are going to picnic.
Inferior to (নীচু/হীন): He is inferior to his neighbor.
Innocent of (নির্দোষ): The maid servant was proved innocent of the alleged theft.
Pleased with (সন্তুষ্ট): Shamim is pleased with all his employees.
Stick to (দৃঢ়ভাবে লেগে থাকা): We should always stick to our decisions.
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Arm in arm (পরস্পর সম্পর্কিত বিষয়) All good people should live arm in arm with one another.
Easy and free (অমায়িক): The boy is easy and free, so he has many friends.
Moot point (অমীমাংসিত বিষয়): Dowry system is still a moot point in Bangladesh.
Of course (অবশ্যই): Of course, you know what that meant.
Tide over (বিপদ অতিক্রম করা-overcome ): The manager tided over the situation.